It’s that time of year again. We have finished up with Halloween and are eating the candy, heading to Thanksgiving. On the horizon, we see it looming larger than ever: Christmas – what are we going to do? We did not save for it and now it’s hear. It happens to more of us than we want to admit and it’s usually not the first time either.

So here is my take on how we need to handle this situation. As you may be able to guess, if you know me at all, the answer is not to pull out the credit cards and have an shopping bonanza, getting the lil’ children and ourselves everything we want. This is the time when you need to sit down and really take a close and real look at your finances, by doing this, you may find out things are not nearly as bad as you thought (or yes they really are).

So now is the time where you need to put on your big boy or big girls pants and face reality as an adult not as a spoiled child. Just because everyone else does it that does not mean you have to nor does it make it the right thing to do. This may be the year when many families need to and some should step back and say this year Christmas is going to be about family, friends and the real reason for the season because we have no money for gifts and we are not going in debt for some games. There are some of us that have the funds and still need to step back and stop medicating ourselves and our children with stuff, stuff that we do not need, usually do not end up using really, and stuff that instead of making our lives easier makes it more complicated because now we have 1 more thing to take care of use and maintain.

I am not trying to be a Scrooge. The reason I wanted to write this is because we are so messed up in our thinking and with all of the financial troubles, it’s about starting to change and make better choices. However when emotions get involved, we can make really bad decisions. If you have the money and want to buy Christmas, go for it – and remember there are a lot of people in need more than ever, so consider what you already have and do you need more or do you need to be generous and give this year. If you do not have by all means please do not go in debt to get it.

This has the potential to be your best Christmas ever! Think about it. You can reduce the stress of shopping, the worry of how we are going to pay back all of these credit card bills and you do not need to worry if those you buy gifts for like it or not because you did not get them one.

Take time and really look at your overall situation and make your choices this year based on what is best for your family not based on what society says we should do.

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