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We get this questions many times in different forms. Should I move my balance to another card with a lower interest rate? Should I take advantage of a card that earns points or gives away free stuff? Regardless of the question, often the situation is the same Read the rest of this entry »

Well it is that time of year as we all scramble to get our taxes done and sent in either quickly to get our refund or waiting to the last minute because we owe the IRS. If you are getting a refund what are you going to do with it? Read the rest of this entry »

As we begin a New Year we start to look at what we want to accomplish or change, and sometimes even “what is our purpose in life”. I hear it said and say it myself, “I want to make a difference”. The problem for many Americans is the debt we are carrying is keeping us from the chance to move and do the things we are being called to do. Read the rest of this entry »

So here we are at the beginning of December and many of us have just been recently hit with the news Christmas is on the 25th of this month. What are we going to do? We need to get stuff for the kids or they will be devastated. We need to buy gifts for all of our friends and relatives or they will think we are not successful. Read the rest of this entry »

We now have the convenience of keeping track of our balance online and getting the latest up to date balance – or do we really? Read the rest of this entry »