Archive for May, 2011

Dealing with high gas prices.

We are all up in arms is it price fixing? Why does gas jump 20 cents overnight? What will the government do? I for one do not want the government involved any more. We live in a country with a free market and they (the gas companies) have the right to sell their product at what they can get for it. But this is not about why we are paying this much it is how do we survive and prosper in spite of it. Read the rest of this entry »

The United States has invested a lot of time, money, resources and lives to battle terrorism. We have had major successes. We have made tremendous inroads in eliminating various sectors of terrorism. But, the looming shadow of bin Laden has always dulled the joy of victory. His presence has been a weight on our shoulders. True victory was never possible with the world’s leading terrorist still free. Now I am in no way suggesting that the fight against terrorism is over, or that it can ever be totally eliminated. I am also not suggesting that the death of bin Laden in any way makes up for the tremendous loss suffered by the United States, the victims of 911 or the victim’s families and friends. But the elimination of bin Laden does allow us to momentarily enjoy a victory. It does allow us to eliminate a burden that has been weighing on our shoulders and stifling us. And checking off and completing the task allows to move on to the next task at hand. Read the rest of this entry »