Archive for April, 2011

There are many ways we are wasting money and do not realize it. I meet with potential clients and they say “We are doing everything we can but there is just not enough”. On the surface this may seem to be true, they cut and scrimp in many areas: entertainment/going out, stopping at convenience stores and little things like this.

But, there are many areas that we do not even think about looking deeper into and it is costing us big. So this month I have some areas for you to really look at to see if you can find some cash that is getting wasted. Read the rest of this entry »

I love watching This Old House. However, the key phrase is watching. Because when it comes to actually working on projects around “My Old House”, I am useless. I lack the skills and the ability to apply the knowledge I gain. Thus, I quickly become impatient and overwhelmed. The result, I often ignore the problem, so a small maintenance can turn into a larger repair. Maybe, your home isn’t crumbling into disrepair. However, can you say the same thing about your financial house? Read the rest of this entry »