Archive for November, 2011

Occasionally, we get contacted by people who are just looking for an easy solution to their problem. They are not interested in doing the necessary work or willing to make any changes in their lives; they just want to find that loophole or program that will make their problem go away. Well for everyone that wants to skip the process and go straight to the answer, I am going to reveal the secret to financial wealth. Drumroll please (dadadadadadadadada), the secret is …. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s that time of year again. We have finished up with Halloween and are eating the candy, heading to Thanksgiving. On the horizon, we see it looming larger than ever: Christmas – what are we going to do? We did not save for it and now it’s hear. It happens to more of us than we want to admit and it’s usually not the first time either. Read the rest of this entry »