“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — JP Morgan

If this is true, then why do I feel like I should be so much further ahead? Many of us are not satisfied with where we are in life. We are not happy with our marriage, our weight, our career, or our finances. Because of this, most of us have made a decision to improve in at least one of these areas if not all of them. Personally, I made a decision to lose 60 pounds. Five years later, I only had 105 to go. What went wrong?

I did not move on my decision until I was willing to make a commitment. Moreover, that commitment did not come until I had a big enough reason to stick to my decision.

This plays out in our personal finances as well. Are you unhappy with where you stand financially? At your age, is this the position you thought you would be in? Maybe you are overwhelmed with debt and the telephone calls that usually come with that debt. Maybe you are scared because you do not think you make enough money and you do not see any relief in sight. On the other hand, maybe you are just sick and tired of the fact that you make a great income and you are still living paycheck to paycheck.

Make a decision today to get out of debt, to make more money or to live on a budget. Then follow that decision with a commitment. Commit to taking the necessary steps to make your decision successful.

Then back up your decision and commitment with a reason. What is it that will make you change? What do you want bad enough that you are willing to face your problem?

Five years ago, I decided to lose weight. However, that decision did not move me one-step. I finally committed to my decision to lose weight when I realized that I had a lot to lose if I did not make some changes. I have a terrific life. I am married to a wonderful woman and I have four great kids (that I like most of the time). I want to live a long life with them. Therefore, I had to make some tough choices. I chose my family over potato chips and donuts.

Potato chips and donuts may sound silly to you. Nevertheless, what is it that is holding you back? Is it a car or house payment? Is it a satellite dish, athletic dues, clothing, eating out or it may be potato chips and donuts?

Take 10 minutes right now to complete the following exercise. Send an email to coach@TheFinanceCoach.net with the following:

  1. What is one thing I would like to change in my life?
  2. What commitments am I willing to make so this change will be successful?
  3. What is the number one reason that will drive me to stick to my commitment?
  4. Click send so that you will be accountable to someone.
  5. Keep me update on your progress.

If your decision pertains to your finances, here are some resources that may be helpful:

Books: There are wonderful books written by many great authors such as Dave Ramsey, Larry Burkett, Howard Dayton, Ron Blue, and Derek Sisterhen.

Internet: There is a ton of free information on the internet. Check out these great sites: www.daveramsey.com, www.crown.org, www.feedthepig.org, www.ronblue.com.

Classes: Many churches offer classes such as Financial Peace University and Crown. You can also go to www.TheFinanceCoach.net and sign up to receive information on our next class.

Coaching: If you need help developing a plan of action and the discipline to make it successful, seek help. Contact The Finance Coach to schedule a free initial consultation. You can reach either Scott or Jeff at 317-858-7270 or go to www.TheFinanceCoach.net.

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