We now have the convenience of keeping track of our balance online and getting the latest up to date balance – or do we really? When we look at our balance online, we think we have plenty of money to go out to eat, buy that pair of shoes, or go to the movie. The next thing we know we have several overdraft charges and the $10 meal cost us $75 – all because we have forgotten checks and debits that haven’t cleared.

It seems our affinity for technology has caused us to stop keeping track of our checking account using the checkbook register – and thus having record of what is still outstanding. This was a normal task that we use to do, so we knew exactly how much money we had and what we could and could not spend money on. However moving into the age of technology has made us lazy – and we’re paying the price for it. Overdraft charges are big business for banks – something we should always be able to avoid.

So what it the answer? We need to get back to the basics along with the use of technology. Whether you use software on your computer, online software or you go old school and use the handwritten register with your check book, we need to have a current running balance and when you get your checking statement in the mail, use it to balance your account. If you have not done this, forgotten how or are just looking for the best way to get back into it, give us a call and we will talk about how we can set up a system that works best for you.

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