As we begin a New Year we start to look at what we want to accomplish or change, and sometimes even “what is our purpose in life”. I hear it said and say it myself, “I want to make a difference”. The problem for many Americans is the debt we are carrying is keeping us from the chance to move and do the things we are being called to do.

In regards to that, here are a few things that many of our clients are now able to do:

Tithing and/or Giving to those in need.

When we are strapped and every dollar that comes in goes straight back out to heavy obligations. There’s a feeling and belief that there is no way that we can give to our church or other charities because we do not have enough at the end of the month. I have heard the statement “We cannot afford to give” my response is you cannot afford not to give back to God. This comes from His word (Malachi 3:10) and this is the one area that He says to test me and I will prove that I can and will make it work. Do not get me wrong I am not saying that if we give we are going to have all the riches we want. What I am saying is God will meet our needs and we will be blessed greatly in many ways.

Serving Others.

We often forget about time being a gift and using it to help and bless others. Many of us would love to be able to serve in different areas whether locally in a food pantry, homeless shelter, or finding someone in need and being able to show them love by going and spending time with them. You may also feel led to a short term mission trip. But how can you do that if you are spending so much time working to make ends meet or completely stressed out because of cash flow?

Time with your family.

This falls into that area of time (or lack thereof). Because of the debt load, many of us are working longer hours or need to pick up a second job to make ends meet. We have all heard it said “It’s not the amount of time I spend with my family it is the quality of the time.” I completely disagree for several reasons. If we are so pressed for time and stressed out about finances, the time we are spending with them is not quality – it’s hurried, and the quality quickly goes out the window. The reality is our kids just want more of us and less of things.

So what are you going to do this year to free yourself from the bondage of debt so you can be free to follow your dreams and to really make a difference in your world?

Here are a couple of suggestions: 1.) get your cash flow plan started look at what is coming in and what is going out. Without this you are shooting at a target in the dark and will miss every time. 2.) if you are married, sit down with your spouse and set some financial goals for 2011, and then develop a road map to reach those goals.

If you are not sure where to start give us a call at The Finance Coach. We can help you get a game plan in place to remove the fear and frustration and give you hope.

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