So you’ve been working hard on your budge. You and your spouse have been diligent by sticking to your game plan. You’ve embraced the “beans & rice, rice & beans” lifestyle because you’ve got your sites set on the goal.

Occasionally even the most intense gazelle can find themselves turning into zippy the wonder slug as frugal fatigue sets in. Like all new adventures, the newness wears off and the activity of becoming debt free can become a chore. Here are some great ideas from one of our long time clients.

As a three-year client of The Finance Coach my husband and I have been there, done that. We’ve been excited as we’ve seen balances drop and felt the excitement of gaining control of our finances. When times of weariness in the process have set in we’ve found five frugal things we can do to renew our fervor for financial freedom:

1. Change up the menu

Often the grocery budget is one of the biggest places to reduce spending. Along with this slim-down may come the tendency to fall into a boring routine in menu planning. Instead, we use the same grocery dollars to buy different, simple items and try new dishes. Sometimes just a simple change a couple of times a week can wake up the palette.

2. Change our surroundings

Sorry, not talking about a Hawaiian vacation. Your surroundings include your home, your car, your route to work. Try re-arranging your furniture or adding seasonal décor in your most used living areas. Clean out your vehicle and hang one of those “new car smell” air fresheners. Grab a bucket of water and wash the car-a newly cleaned car is a frugal substitute for a new car. Change up your route to work or on errands. You may try traveling several new streets on your way to CVS and see something you’ve never seen before. Perhaps one or two days a week your commute could include more scenic views of the gorgeous natural artwork The Creator has provided.

3. Go on a cheap date

Pretend you’re a high school or college couple again and enjoy an evening walk together. Eat a meal by candlelight or alfresco on the patio in nice weather. Scour the internet and local newspapers for free or low-cost activities or events you and your spouse can attend together. (Be sure to cover any costs associated with this from your “entertainment” envelope.

4. Learn something new

Learn something new either by teaching yourself or someone else to instruct you. Always wanted to learn to knit? Find instructions online and jump in. Free online instruction is nearly endless and can include learning a new language, directed study of the Bible, crafting and cooking. Tapping into your brain’s learning power will promote the feeling of victory and success while you wait for your financial game plan to come together.

5. Find a way to serve someone else

The ultimate way to enjoy your life under any circumstances? Take the focus off of your own circumstances and help fulfill the needs of others! Call a local soup kitchen and find a time to help serve a meal. Arrange to help complete some simple cleaning tasks at a women’s shelter. Call the activities director at an extended care facility in your town and offer to spend time with patients who need human interaction. And if you have a pet, take it with you-elderly patients love dogs almost as much as they love babies!

These are small things that may not completely dispel your frugal funk, but they will certainly help. Sometimes the key to financial success is simply learning enjoyment of the simple things in life and the people with whom we share them with.

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