The United States has invested a lot of time, money, resources and lives to battle terrorism. We have had major successes. We have made tremendous inroads in eliminating various sectors of terrorism. But, the looming shadow of bin Laden has always dulled the joy of victory. His presence has been a weight on our shoulders. True victory was never possible with the world’s leading terrorist still free. Now I am in no way suggesting that the fight against terrorism is over, or that it can ever be totally eliminated. I am also not suggesting that the death of bin Laden in any way makes up for the tremendous loss suffered by the United States, the victims of 911 or the victim’s families and friends. But the elimination of bin Laden does allow us to momentarily enjoy a victory. It does allow us to eliminate a burden that has been weighing on our shoulders and stifling us. And checking off and completing the task allows to move on to the next task at hand.

At this point you are wondering what newsletter you are reading. You thought you were reading The Coach’s Report. You are probably asking what bin Laden has to do with your finances. Well we all have bin Laden’s in our lives. Every single one of us has something or many things in our life that is weighing on our shoulders. Oftentimes that weight is paralyzing enough that we stop moving. We may even start ignoring the problem to the point that it will eventually blow up and become a huge problem and that affects everything in our life.

Your bin Laden can come in many forms. It may be living on a budget, it may be completing your taxes, it may be facing your mounting debt, it may be organizing your financial records, it may be finding a part time job, or it may be making a call for help. Eliminating our bin Laden doesn’t necessarily mean that your problems are now over. Life will still happen. But it will allow you to check off a task that has been weighing you down so that you can now move on to the next task.

What steps to we need to take to eliminate our bin Laden?

First step: Identify the one thing that can help you move forward in your finances, your job, your business or your life? Write it down on a 3×5 card.

Second step: Identify the benefit or reward that you will get from completing this task.

Third step: Develop a game plan and time frame to complete this task.

Fourth step: Get some accountability. This may involve setting a trap for you, such as a deadline.

Fifth Step: Get help when it is needed. I know we hate to admit that we can’t handle a problem. I know it is often embarrassing to admit you need help. I know because I deal with these same issues. Ask yourself, will my problem get better or worse if I get help. If the answer is better then give us a call at 317-858-7270. We are here to help.

2 Responses to “Eliminate YOUR bin Laden”

  • JenB:

    Great article Scott! It is so true that sometimes our money issues terrorize us. I am grateful that The Finance Coach has been there to help our family attach our bin Laden!

  • Jen, You are living proof of what can be accomplished when we face our fears.

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