Dealing with high gas prices.

We are all up in arms is it price fixing? Why does gas jump 20 cents overnight? What will the government do? I for one do not want the government involved any more. We live in a country with a free market and they (the gas companies) have the right to sell their product at what they can get for it. But this is not about why we are paying this much it is how do we survive and prosper in spite of it.

Here is how to deal with high gas prices

The first thing we need to do is look at our driving habits. Are we making trips that are really unnecessary that if we thought ahead and did some planning would cut down? Is your vehicle being properly maintained so it is an efficient as possible? A lot of the things you can do yourself check tire pressure, change the air filter unload unneeded items that add weight to the vehicle.

Where are you spending money you are not thinking about? Eating lunches out, buying drinks at gas stations, do you have monthly auto pays that you are not using anymore? No these will not directly cut down on you gas usage however it can free up some money to pay for the extra cost of the gas.

Here is a challenge if you do not know how much you are spending in these areas. Write down every penny you spend for the next 30 days if that is overwhelming do it for 15 days. This will give you an accurate look at where you money is going.

No one is happy with what is going on with the economy or gas prices but complaining is not going to change anything. So instead let’s get productive and make changes where we can to make sure we are getting ahead and moving to Financial Victory.

If your having trouble getting started or you just need another set of eyes to help you see where to make changes contact me at or 317.858.7270. You can also listen to a weekly radio show I do at 2 pm on Mondays live or download and listen any time @ .

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