Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

I love watching This Old House. However, the key phrase is watching. Because when it comes to actually working on projects around “My Old House”, I am useless. I lack the skills and the ability to apply the knowledge I gain. Thus, I quickly become impatient and overwhelmed. The result, I often ignore the problem, so a small maintenance can turn into a larger repair. Maybe, your home isn’t crumbling into disrepair. However, can you say the same thing about your financial house? Read the rest of this entry »

We get this questions many times in different forms. Should I move my balance to another card with a lower interest rate? Should I take advantage of a card that earns points or gives away free stuff? Regardless of the question, often the situation is the same Read the rest of this entry »

So you’ve been working hard on your budge. You and your spouse have been diligent by sticking to your game plan. You’ve embraced the “beans & rice, rice & beans” lifestyle because you’ve got your sites set on the goal.

Occasionally even the most intense gazelle can find themselves turning into zippy the wonder slug as frugal fatigue sets in. Like all new adventures, the newness wears off and the activity of becoming debt free can become a chore. Here are some great ideas from one of our long time clients. Read the rest of this entry »

Well it is that time of year as we all scramble to get our taxes done and sent in either quickly to get our refund or waiting to the last minute because we owe the IRS. If you are getting a refund what are you going to do with it? Read the rest of this entry »

On January 1st you looked into the mirror and said “my goal for 2011 is to be DEBT FREE!” So why is it now February and you are deeper in debt? Does this sound like you? Maybe your goal wasn’t to be debt-free, maybe it was to stop living paycheck to paycheck or to stop using your credit cards. Whatever your goal was, are you closer to achieving it”? Read the rest of this entry »